This place has a special home in my heart. I spent many happy days as a little girl with my Granny and the animals on this farm. Of course, I have been there many times throughout my life to visit, but not as often as I would like. When I'm there, I love to sit and listen to my Granny and Grandpa Lavender, when he was alive, tell stories about the cute things my brother and I used to do when we were little. How I fell face first in a cow pie. How I used to talk to the dogs. She has some new stories too, about Opie, the little donkey my Dad has on the farm and probably many more. I could sit and listen to her tell stories for hours.
We got there in the early hours of Thursday morning. We all had to go straight to bed. Nathan was up bright and early the next morning. When I finally woke up, I found him out in the pasture amongst all the animals. I guess the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree. That's were Nathan pretty much spent most of his time, unless Benji was home and then he was wherever Benji was. I couldn't wait to see my Granny. She's 91 and it had been about 5 years since the last time I had seen her. I was ready for some good old fashioned porch sit'n with her.
And we looked out on that beautiful view from my Granny's porch.
Granny shared stories about how it used to be on the farm when she was growing up.
Granny raised all her boys on this farm. After my Dad retired from the Air Force, he purchased a part of the farm, built a lovely home, and raised my two younger brothers, Matt and Benji there. Sean did spend some quality time with my Dad. They can sit around for hours debating politics. It get's heated sometimes, but they both love every single minute of it. Pure love!
After all the debating, my brothers put Sean and Tristan through a crossfit workout and some good old fashioned fence hopping.
On the 4th of July, we gathered at the Antioch Christian Church for a family reunion. Believe it or not, this is one of the oldest Churches in Georgia. My grandmother went to Sunday school there (so did I) and she's now the oldest parishioner that attends. Lots of my decedents are buried on the grounds of this church, along with my great-grandparents and my grandpa Lavender, who died the same year Tristan was born.
All my Dad's brother's were there. All the Lavender brother's had one daughter each. I believe I'm the oldest of that bunch. This is all of us, minus my cousin Susan, who is my Uncle Billy's daughter. We missed you Susan!
We did get to see Susan's daughter Jessie, though.
And of course I can't resist taking a picture with my gorgeous brothers.
And then of course, all of us with my Dad.
After all the fun at the Church, while the men cleaned up the place, the kids and I went swimming at my Uncle Roger's house. Tristan got crazy doing flips off the diving board. And Nathan enjoyed pushing his little cousin, Rachel around in a floaty.
After all the fun in the sun, we all went to a beautiful old bed and breakfast in downtown Watkinsville to see a Van Morrison tribute band. The place was so gorgeous. My Uncle Bobby and his girlfriend from Canada were staying there and he had a special tent set up for us and we all had some refreshing beer and wine and listened to the great tunes and continued our visit with each other. It was a great, great way to end a great family reunion. Thank you Uncle Bobby.
My Dad (in the middle) with two of his brothers. My Uncle Roger to the right of my Dad and My Uncle Bobby to the left. Uncle Billy could not be there.
My family had a wonderful, wonderful time. I'm so, so thankful we made the trip. I love you, Dad!
I want to leave you with one more video. The beautiful sounds of Georgia at night.
Hi! You have a beautiful blog. Nice pictures! I am Cia, from Finland. So lovely pics you have. I can see that you and your family had a great visit to Georgia. The pic of you and your Granny is so lovely! And such a beautiful place.
Hi Lisa, beautiful job, well done! I loved your little girls pics, Nate with the donkey...Granny is that where you got your laugh?? The 4 guys running, the boys with their arms around cool. What a experience for all of you, truly priceless to make these family memories. Can't imagine wanting a dress and carrying a chicken under my arm to trade for materials!! LOL..I'm so glad you went and had a great time. xo, Linda
Thank you for visiting my blog too. I know it is not easy to understand, cause I wright in swedish. I have several english friends, so I have translator on my blog. So if you sometimes want to read my blog you can translate it to english. Still some words is not right even if you translate, but you can understand a little at least:-D
Hi! You have a beautiful blog. Nice pictures!
I am Cia, from Finland.
So lovely pics you have. I can see that you and your family had a great visit to Georgia. The pic of you and your Granny is so lovely! And such a beautiful place.
Hi Lisa,
beautiful job, well done! I loved your little girls pics, Nate with the donkey...Granny is that where you got your laugh?? The 4 guys running, the boys with their arms around cool. What a experience for all of you, truly priceless to make these family memories. Can't imagine wanting a dress and carrying a chicken under my arm to trade for materials!! LOL..I'm so glad you went and had a great time.
xo, Linda
Thank you for visiting my blog too. I know it is not easy to understand, cause I wright in swedish. I have several english friends, so I have translator on my blog. So if you sometimes want to read my blog you can translate it to english. Still some words is not right even if you translate, but you can understand a little at least:-D
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